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Massive French Protests – Call for Macron to Resign

Massive French Protests – Call for Macron to Resign

It been a while since we've posted last here. But we are going to try and become more active again. "Over a million people took to the streets in France on Thursday, protesting the government's plans to raise the retirement age. King Charles postponed his visit to the...

The Canadian Trucker “Honkening”!

The Canadian Trucker “Honkening”!

Really proud of our neighbors in the north standing up against their governments vaxx mandates. Earlier, we saw an article mentioning that this convoy that has been created is at least 10x bigger than any other before it. (45+ miles long) Justin Trudeau fled to an...

Big Tech’s Power Grab and Civil Rights Fails

Big Tech’s Power Grab and Civil Rights Fails

Big Tech are not telcos and as such have none of the obligations common carriers have. They are "parterning with" (caving in to) oppressive governments around the world and selling out their influence which could promote civil liberties for the people of the world....

Fauci AIDS Experiments on Children

Fauci AIDS Experiments on Children

The National Institutes of Health conducted AIDS studies in the 80s and 90s which left foster children and clinical volunteers dead. As Director of NIAID, Fauci oversees research to “prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious and immune-mediated diseases, including...

Mt. Vernon Doctor, Dan Stock, on COVID

Mt. Vernon Doctor, Dan Stock, on COVID

This Doctor, Dr. Dan Stock, is very brave to have stood up and spoken against the mainstream Faucian and Biden administration opinion on what needs to be done to reduce casualties across the country, and world, for that matter....

Democratic Election Victory? Italy did it!

Democratic Election Victory? Italy did it!

Proof that in January 2017, before he left office. Obama sent 17 pallets of CASH $400 million dollars to Italy to ensure Trump would not win in 2020!! The Fraud took place at the US embassy in Rome. All the information is in this explosive phone call.

Apple suspends Parler social network from App Store

Apple suspends Parler social network from App Store

In a major blow to free & conservative speech, Apple suspended Parler from the App Store. The logic used in the move is achingly hypocritical. They say the social networking service has not taken adequate measures to prevent the spread of posts inciting violence....

Last Podcast

The Truth Agenda Episode 4

The Truth Agenda Episode 4

We speak about Russia/Ukraine, Biden, more Epstein related topics, space, Quantum computing and more.


Big Tech’s Power Grab and Civil Rights Fails

Big Tech’s Power Grab and Civil Rights Fails

Big Tech are not telcos and as such have none of the obligations common carriers have. They are "parterning with" (caving in to) oppressive governments around the world and selling out their influence which could promote civil liberties for the people of the world....

My Take on Universalism

My Take on Universalism

I believe in the “One True God”, whom on earth is called Christ, who provides the gift of everlasting life to those who believe in and embrace him, but I feel that true “salvation” is being constrained by the structured deity of an “earthly” God based only on...

Scientific Creation of the Universe vs. the Biblical Story

Scientific Creation of the Universe vs. the Biblical Story

I’m going to keep this pretty simple and straightforward and try not to get off on too many tangents, even though there are many to cover. To start. Yes. I believe in God. The one true One. Not one attached to a particular theological belief system. Yes, I believe He...

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