Massive French Protests – Call for Macron to Resign

Massive French Protests – Call for Macron to Resign

It been a while since we've posted last here. But we are going to try and become more active again. "Over a million people took to the streets in France on Thursday, protesting the government's plans to raise the retirement age. King Charles postponed his visit to the...

The Canadian Trucker “Honkening”!

The Canadian Trucker “Honkening”!

Really proud of our neighbors in the north standing up against their governments vaxx mandates. Earlier, we saw an article mentioning that this convoy that has been created is at least 10x bigger than any other before it. (45+ miles long) Justin Trudeau fled to an...

Big Tech’s Power Grab and Civil Rights Fails

Big Tech’s Power Grab and Civil Rights Fails

Big Tech are not telcos and as such have none of the obligations common carriers have. They are "parterning with" (caving in to) oppressive governments around the world and selling out their influence which could promote civil liberties for the people of the world....

Fauci AIDS Experiments on Children

Fauci AIDS Experiments on Children

The National Institutes of Health conducted AIDS studies in the 80s and 90s which left foster children and clinical volunteers dead. As Director of NIAID, Fauci oversees research to “prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious and immune-mediated diseases, including...

Mt. Vernon Doctor, Dan Stock, on COVID

Mt. Vernon Doctor, Dan Stock, on COVID

This Doctor, Dr. Dan Stock, is very brave to have stood up and spoken against the mainstream Faucian and Biden administration opinion on what needs to be done to reduce casualties across the country, and world, for that matter....

Biden Stacks Cash for Big Pharma

Biden Stacks Cash for Big Pharma

During his Term, President Donald Trump took much needed historic action to deliver lower prescription drug prices to American patients. The President signed four Executive Orders on drug pricing directing the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) to take...

COVID-19: Pandemic or Political Hoax?

COVID-19: Pandemic or Political Hoax?

In November 2020, top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an expert in virology told government officials during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. Hodkinson pointed out that his...

The Truth Agenda Episode 3

The Truth Agenda Episode 3

The crew shows off our new equipment and discuss the Reddit fueled DOGE coin and other stock increases. Biden’s lies, many speaking “errors”, and Executive Orders. The Pentagon’s office of disinformation, the new UFO information being released, new navy patents, the...

TTA Podcast EP-02

TTA Podcast EP-02

Two of the TTA crew just generally discussing a few different topics. As we get better at this, the quality will improve. We just purchased some new podcasting equipment, so from this point forward, things will get better. Thanks for listening!

TTA Podcast EP-01

TTA Podcast EP-01

Two of the TTA crew just generally discussing a few different topics. As we get better at this, the quality will improve. This was a spur of the moment podcast to test out our software, etc. Thanks for visiting the website.

Why NESARA is a secret worth killing to keep

Why NESARA is a secret worth killing to keep

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was slipped through Congress during the Christmas recess, with many members of the Congress absent. President Woodrow Wilson, pressured by his political and financial backers, signed it on December 23, 1913. The act created the Federal...

Raquel Rodriguez: Arrested for Voter Fraud

Raquel Rodriguez: Arrested for Voter Fraud

According to the Texas Attorney General’s Office, A San Antonio campaign worker seen in an undercover video last year appearing to persuade a woman to change her vote faces a long list of felony charges after being arrested Wednesday Jan 13, 2021According to a press...

MainStream Media: The Illusion of Choice

MainStream Media: The Illusion of Choice

In 1983, 90% of America’s media was owed by 50 companies. In 2011 that same 90% was owed by 6 companies. We now know these Companies as GE, NewsCorp, Disney, Comcast, Time Warner, And Sony, Better known as “The Big Six”. The names have changed over the years. For...

Democratic Election Victory? Italy did it!

Democratic Election Victory? Italy did it!

Proof that in January 2017, before he left office. Obama sent 17 pallets of CASH $400 million dollars to Italy to ensure Trump would not win in 2020!! The Fraud took place at the US embassy in Rome. All the information is in this explosive phone call.

Apple suspends Parler social network from App Store

Apple suspends Parler social network from App Store

In a major blow to free & conservative speech, Apple suspended Parler from the App Store. The logic used in the move is achingly hypocritical. They say the social networking service has not taken adequate measures to prevent the spread of posts inciting violence....

Why What Trump “Did” with Hong Kong is Actually Good.

Why What Trump “Did” with Hong Kong is Actually Good.

With the U.S. "on fire" and everything going on domestically, there is news from Asia. While the U.S. "Left" criticizes Trumps action against Hong Kong, so is the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). So it's pretty obvious that the left supports the same views as the CCP. I...



The whole controversy known as Obamagate is a very large and complicated "conspiracy" that took place in the highest halls of power, primarily in the waning days of Obama's second term. I used the word conspiracy, and it's being misused a lot these days, so here is...

My Take on Universalism

My Take on Universalism

I believe in the “One True God”, whom on earth is called Christ, who provides the gift of everlasting life to those who believe in and embrace him, but I feel that true “salvation” is being constrained by the structured deity of an “earthly” God based only on...

Bill Gates – The Face of Pure Evil

Bill Gates – The Face of Pure Evil

Bill Gates seems to be inserting himself in many places, politically and medically, that he doesn’t belong during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Many people, including myself, are wondering why a former software developer is on every news station telling the American...

Marina Abramovic Spirit Cooking

Marina Abramovic Spirit Cooking

WARNING: DISTURBING CONTENT VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED If you are not convinced satanic sex cults are operating through out our society and right under our noses, let me introduce you to Marina Abramovic, a 74 year old Serbian performance artist, that claims to test...

Epstein’s Elite Sex Trafficking Ring

Epstein’s Elite Sex Trafficking Ring

Disclaimer: The following content is extremely disturbing, continue with caution. In July 2019 Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire  financier, and registered sex offender (convicted in 2008 and got off with a slap on the wrist. This took place in Florida under a...

Pizzagate – The John Podesta Emails

Pizzagate – The John Podesta Emails

What is pizza gate? In the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election Wikileaks began releasing a series of documents including DNC Emails, and the emails of Hillary’s presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta, he also served as chief of staff to President...

Fall of the Cabal

Fall of the Cabal

In mid-February, a truth-teller named Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands posted a carefully constructed and painstakingly created docu-series titled, “Fall of the Cabal.” As one might imagine, it goes into detail regarding real events and provides clear examples...

Candice Owens interview with USSF Head Steve Kwast

Candice Owens interview with USSF Head Steve Kwast

Can the creation of a U.S. military space force boost the economy, maintain American sovereignty, and preserve world peace? General Steve Kwast joins Candace Owens this week for a discussion on how a national space force will impact global relations.

The Moon

Funny. But I'm sure some of this isn't far removed from the actual conversations on frequencies not known at the time. 🙂

Joe Rogan Experience #1029 – Tom DeLonge

Joe Rogan Experience #1029 – Tom DeLonge

I'm a big fan of Joe Rogan's Podcast. This is a good one and the former singer of Blink 182, Tom DeLonge's story lines up with information released by the Pentagon on a "secret" program called the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). DeLonge is a...

The Disclosure Project

The Disclosure Project

I was involved in UFO investigations during the mid 90's in the Cincinnati area with the late Kenny Young. I left Ohio in the late 90's and gained employment with numerous gov't contractors in the Washington DC area and was blessed to have been able to have attended...